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Gai had decided that we were doing a day tour in Paris, so after parting with 136 Euro each we were off on another bus trip. The trip included a visit to Notre Dame Cathedral, various sites around Paris and then along Champes-Elysees Avenue, Triumphal Arch. Then off to the famous Eiffel TOwer for lunch and a walk around. Unfortunately during lunch they closed the tower while we were having lunch as the wind got to 134km/h. We had a great lunch and then off to for a one hour Seine river cruise. Also a trip to Montmatre and the Sacre Cour Basicilla. Well worth the money.

The brolly says it all.
Forecasts of showers.

This Christmas tree was
outside of Notre Dame Cathedral.

The Cathedral is surrounded
by souviner shops.

One of the entrances
to Notre Dame.

Looking up at the carvings
and architecture.

A close up of
the statues.

Inside the Cathedral. The
windows are fantastic.

A model showing how the
Cathedral was constructed.

The front

Right side

The rear

No marked lanes. Cars
seem to form their own.

Another magnificant

The Australian's are everywhere.
Cafe Oz.

View of the Tower from

The entrance to
Sacre Coeur Basilica.

The city of Paris from
the Basilica.

Pigeons resting in Montmatre.
Notice the shutters.

Heading towards the
Triumphal Arch.

Champs Elysees Avenue.
No marked lanes. Scary stuff.

Looking towards
Place du Tertre.

In front of the Place Du Tertre.
Glad the cannons weren't working.

One of the
many squares.

Lunch time. View from the
restaurant 'Altitude 95'.
Loking down towards
the Seine River.

Gai relaxing and
getting ready for lunch.

Us on the 1st level. Couldn't go
higher due to winds.

the restaurant is the
glassed in section.

Our tour boat. Holds
up to 400 people.

The Seine in winter and
some blue skies.

The tower from
the boat.

Statues adorn

Another bridge.
Another statue.

Looking down
the river.

Lovers Bridge. Note the
different faces.

Artists live in the tents that
run along the river here.

The weather is clearing with the
tower in the background.

Can you spot us amongst
the 400 on board.

Starting to get dark.
Missed the lights on the tower.

View of Paris from Sacre Coeur.