2009 Home Page

Well I turn another year older and so I get closer to the age of 50. Bring it on I say. The Federal Government has offered a rebate to people who insulate their houses, so we went ahead and got that put it. We should get our money back in July once the formal rebate starts. In addition we decided to add a patio to the side of the house so that we can have a bit more undercover living area outside. It took a day for them to erect and we are really happy with it. Now I just have to dig out all the dirt so that I can pave the whole area. Only about 20 square metres in all.

Happy Mother's
Day to Gai.

Happy birthday
to Clive.

Michael & Stevie
watch with anticipation.

Beer mugs. Now
that's what I need.


Patio view from
the lounge.

Looking towards
the road.

Looking back
to the house.

A closer