2012 Home Page

Gai's camera is getting worse and as it's still under warranty off to Canon it goes. Their service area was fantastic and the camera came back with some components replaced and it works well. Three cheers Canon for great service.

Gypsy sleeping amongst
the crochet wool.

Gai's dinner.
Note presentation !.




Clive in the middle
of cooking roast for tea.

Gai lending
a hand.


What grey paws you
have Gypsy.

Aww dad. Stop taking
pictures of me.

Dinner time for the cat.
Talk about service.

Tickle time
on Gypsy's rug.

Trouble in
camera camp.

This rug passes the test
even though it's not finished.


Gai and her
special rug.




Camera's back
and working again.



The pictures are
so much better.

Brax -
Gai's hero.

Clive working



Don't I
look cute !!!.