2017 Home Page

Well it's been a hot summer so far. A quiet month and time to plant the sunflower seeds.

Well the sunflowers turned out to be pretty disappointing this year. Only one flower managed to get there and even so it was only a few feet high. Not nice and tall like the first crop and even the flower head was fairly small. Oh well - better luck next year.

Gai's little - well they are not actually little - water dragons seem to be taking over the back yard. They now like to swin in the wishing well.


One of the medium
size ones.





The succulent next door
getting ready to flower.




In 24 hours they
are dying.




The next day.



Yep - the air
conditiooner is on.

Alister's engines are
off to Tasmania.

My successful
little sunflower.


Start of the
next one.


