December Home Page

On the 8th December in the middle of the night Gai had a fall in the bathroom. She badly hurt her arm and was also complianing about her back hurting. I helped her get up off the floor and onto the bed and called the ambulance as the bleeding from her arm would not stop. Another trip in the ambulance and admittence to hospital. It turns out she had also broken her L1 in her spine, so me lifting her up off the floor was not a very bright thing to do. Two weeks in hospital - one on basic bed rest and then rehab again the other week and she was allowed home for Christmas.

Her arm was a real mess and they were concerned that they would have to do a skin graft if it didn't heal properly but thankfully this was not required in the end. Daily dressing changes in hospital and then visits to the local GP every few days when she was released until it stopped weeping.

Thankful for
the green whistle.

The arm
was a mess.





Still in A nd E
9 hours later.

16/12 - what
a mess.




Home day

View from
the room.


Looking towards
Surfers Paradise.