2019 May Home Page

Thursday 16th May

Showers overnight and early morning, so no walk first thing today. Maybe lunchtime when Gai has her nap.

While lying in bed I thought I need to write a blog about this trip. We have our web pages but to post pictures every day or even weekly takes time so words and a few pictures each day with this is the idea.

Gai normally keeps a daily diary of what happed when we have done trips in the past and this will be incorporated into these writings. Yes, if you have read this far you will see that I have put in the good and the not so good, but it just shows that no one is perfect least of all us. If someone else learns from our mistakes then all when and good, if not we will have learnt along the way.

Off to have a shower this morning and no hot water - REALLY!! What do people not understand - I do not like cold showers.

So, it's about 7.30am and I'm sitting under the awning. Rain is falling from the heavens and it's all quiet, but from some birds chirping away in the trees. Suddenly I see a noisy ELGAS truck and it's heading to the shower block. Maybe this is the problem with the hot water. Next time I go to the toilet there is hot water. So it appears that they ran out of gas.

The clouds are clearing and our washing is dry. Seems at least it will turn out to be a fine day. I plan to finally get to read the farewell card from the Community and have a lazy afternoon. Maybe even get to reading the Sunday paper - but after all it is only Thursday today and there is always tomorrow to enjoy it.

Today is the third time I've cooked in the van. Well does boiling eggs for Gai's lunch count as cooking ? If it doesn't then a real cook might have to wait until the weekend as this Muchamore house has no curries left. What is the world coming too.

Gai enjoying
some sun.


Bear getting a
sun tan too.





We stayed here with
mum a few years ago.


Nothing appears
to have changed.