2010 June Home Page

Friday 21st June

Change of plan. Driving towards 1770 Clive saw a sign to Rosedale offering camping behind the pub, so this is what we did. Detour left. (This was originally part of plan A to camp here but because we stayed so long in Bundy the plans got changed.).

A great spot and only $5.00 per person per night and pet friendly.. This includes power and water if you need it. There was a full amenities block as well as a cricket field for camping and turning around on. (So glad there was no cricket the next morning.) No reversing into a spot and no un-hitching required either. On a slight slope but a wheel ramp soon fixed that. No TV at all. Oh well - we'll just have to watch some of the pre-recorded shows.

Clive checked out the pub and rather than go there for tea we decided on lunch. This will save walking in the dark as there re no lights once you away from the pub.

On his way to get a photo of the menu for me he told me there was a pig there. So when we went for lunch, he showed me the little pig in a cage,(took photo of this), and decides to communicate with it, (oink). Anyway, the pig started oinking back at him as if in conservation. I sometimes worry about him.

It's a lovely country pub with real atmosphere about it. Clive asked how old it was and one of the locals said "somewhere between 103 and 115 years old." There is a large chimney and fire they have burning. Reminded us of the English pubs.

I had some beer battered flat head while Clive had a lamb shank, chips and salad. Both meals were delicious and cooked to perfection. Clive thanked the chef when she came past.

Rosedale is atypical country town with a school, police station, general store and even a hardware store. A lovely little place to stay. There are only a few vans here for the night and we were told it's going down t 6 or 7 degrees tonight. Thank goodness I let Clive talk me into an electric blanket. He doesn't use the one on his side of the bed. So off to 1770 and hopefully a quiet and peaceful night tonight.

Clive found a Lisa Gardner book in the laundry for me. Apparently that is where you go to find/leave books - The 'Laundry' Library.

Van Park.

The Rosedale

Pub from
our van.

Clive getting


View to
the pub.




of old.

of space.

Us camped

Note the
huge chimney.

Gai waiting
for her lunch.

Beer battered
flat head.

Lamb shank,
chips and salad.

Gai ate
some chips.

fire place.




View from
the pub.