2020 Home Page

Thursday 30th January - Port Welshpool

Sometime during the night power has been restored, No idea what the issue was. Hopefully we won't have any issues during the day.

This weather is stupid. Down to 9.4 last night and upto 38.6 during the day. At 7am when I woke up I was freezing, so I put my electric blanket on and a pair of socks. At 9am I was cooking. At 11.30am it was 31 degrees. Lucky for us it didn't get top be as hot as they were predicting for us here, but the aircon did the job and kept the van cool. We stayed indoors all day as it is too hot to do anything outside.

Listening to the news tonight it was mentioned that power cuts may happen as the inter-connect between SA and Victoria has been damaged due to weather and fires. Given that NSW has a similar issue of a shortage of power and it can't get power from QLD or the ACT currently, Victoria can't get power from there. So much for the National Grid.







Sunset view
from the loo.