Day 12, 23/12/06, Home Page

This is a really beautiful house. You drive along the road and there are sheep everywhere - and they have right of way. They wander over the road as they please, just minding their own business. The grounds are just so large and you feel like you are going back in time as you approach the house. We didn't stop as we wanted to get home before dark and I think you really need a good half day to look around the house. Besides the fact they wanted money just to park the car to have a lok around the outside it was a few pictures on the run and then back to the motorway for the last leg home.

The driveway seems
to go on forever.

Huge grounds with
sheep everywhere.

The house dominates.
the grounds.

Tours were available
on the clydesdales.

I think fire had got
to this section.


Another view of
the house.
